PE Foam Insulating Band (with Adhesive)

It is used; in insulating of the with big diameter, water and similar part, which can not be insulated with insulating pipe for any reason, In the plasterworks applications, in the jointing places of the plaster with ceiling and base coating, or as a preventer of heat bridgebetween profile and wall or profile and plaster.

It is not permeable because of its closed cell structure. Can be easily applied because of sticky one side.


It is used; in insulating of the with big diameter, water and similar part, which can not be insulated with insulating pipe for any reason, In the plasterworks applications, in the jointing places of the plaster with ceiling and base coating, or as a preventer of heat bridgebetween profile and wall or profile and plaster.

It is not permeable because of its closed cell structure. Can be easily applied because of sticky one side.

Isı iletkenlik katsayısı: (W/mK) 0,043 – 0,045 (TS 388 – TS 415)
Isıya dayanıklılık : -45°C 95°C
Yoğunluk : 25 - 40 kg/m3
Basınç altında deformasyon: % 75 sıkışmada (72 saat)
%60 - %63(ISO 1856)
Sıkışma mukavemeti : % 25 sıkışmada 0,31 kgf/cm2
ISO 1856 metot C: % 50 sıkışmada 0,91 kgf/cm2
% 75 sıkışmada 2,83 kgf/cm2
Su emme duyarlılığı: da sıcaklığında suya daldırılıp 24 saat bekletildikten sonra hacmin maksimum %0,042’si kadar.
Toleranslar: Boyda ± % 3 et kalınlığında ± 0,5 mm.
Fig.1 Üretim Değerleri
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